When the tree seedling grows, the forest also grows: Archbishop’s Visit to ACK Diocese of Eldoret

Addressing the House of Clergy and Members of the Anglican Diocese of Eldoret, the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit lauded the leadership and growth the Diocese has achieved over the 40 years of its existence.

He shared the following:

We are encouraged by the growth we have seen and experienced in this Diocese and those that came out of Eldoret.

God gives each generation opportunities and raises people to stand in the gap and provide leadership, giving what is required for his mission to prosper.

Despite the obstacles the Diocese’s forefathers faced 40 years ago, we are now seeing the results of their determination

Just like the seeds that take long to grow in a forest, when they grow, the forest grows.

He also used the opportunity to reflect on the impact the right leadership has on the growth of ministry from the Congregation, parish all the way to the Diocesan levels.

Drawing from Acts 13:1-12, he shared the following:

When God sends us out for his mission, he gives us the capacity, courage, focus, vison and opportunity to overcome challenges.

The people you find in your parishes are eager for your leadership, and this is essential to the growth of the church and Diocese.

When you grow people, they’ll grow any other thing that God will bring their way.

He added that in building a strong church:

We will hand over to the next generation, a healthy church- spiritually, financially; and a work that works with the community and takes care of the vulnerable within it.

We shall preserve the place of the Church when we put our hands to work as Clergy, community, laity and this will help us change our landscape.

The Archbishop was on a Pastoral Visit to the Diocese from the 24th -29th October 2023. The Visit culminated in the 40 years anniversary Celebration and Thanksgiving service.