1.0:     Introduction

1.1 Overview of ADS Kenya

The Anglican Development Services Kenya is the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya. ADS Kenya is the national coordination and facilitation office for all the development work of ACK and is the secretariat to 10 ADS Regions that cover the 47 counties of Kenya. These regions are: Pwani; Eastern; Nairobi; All Saints and Kajiado (NAIKA); Mt. Kenya; Mt. Kenya East; Central Rift; North Rift; South Rift; Western and Nyanza regions.


A sustainable organization, that works with communities, to attain Godly and Dignified Living.


Building partnerships with communities and enabling them to exercise their God given potential in addressing their needs.

1.2 Background to the programme

ADS Kenya, has entered into a partnership with Brot fuer die Welt (BftW) to help to transform the lives of marginalised communities in Kenya through strategic and focused advocacy in the areas of governance and peace. This is a 3-year programme ending in 2022 and it aims at building the capacities of Community and Faith Leaders as well as ADS staff to effectively carry out advocacy for increased access to quality public services, and management of public resources. ADS also seek to strengthen her capacity to coordinate and promote best practices in programmes across all the ten regions.

More specifically, ADS Kenya seeks to influence policies on extractives industry; promote peaceful coexistence and security; enhance citizen participation to improve service delivery; advocate for democratic governance and strengthen internal capacity to effectively coordinate and provide oversight to programme work. This will ultimately enable communities and citizens to take advantage of the emerging economic opportunities in the extractive sector and advocate for their rights while demanding for integrity and good governance from elected leaders. Additionally, there are national social protection instruments aimed at benefiting the less fortunate in the society. The programme aims at increasing accountability for the resources allocated for Universal Health Care and Social protection.

Finally, the importance for peaceful coexistence cannot be overemphasised in Kenya. The country has witnessed many historical injustices that remain unresolved and this has helped to fuel negative ethnicity. The situation is aggravated by political incitement during election periods. As the country prepares for the BBI referendum, political alignments are beginning to manifest and this has an impact on the 2022 general elections. This programme therefore focuses on sensitizing religious leaders on the need to remain neutral agents of peace building, reconciliation and healing.

1.3 Programme Goal and Objectives

1.3.1 Programme Goal

  • Transformed and resilient communities living peaceful and dignified lives in the society.

1.3.2 Programme objectives

  • Improved participation and involvement of communities in promoting accountability and transparency on human rights and benefit sharing in the extractives sector.
  • Increased monitoring and oversight by citizen to enhance access to Universal Social Protection Scheme (USPS) for vulnerable groups in the communities.
  • Increased participation of citizens in promoting sustainable and peaceful coexistence among communities living in conflict affected areas in Kenya.
  • Strengthened Community resilience and innovative adaptation to Climate Change in Kenya
  • Strengthened Management and Institutional Accountability of Development Resources within ACK/ADS

2.0      Baseline Study Purpose and Objectives

The baseline study is intended to facilitate the collection of baseline data for a set of indicators outlined in ADS Kenya’s M&E framework. The outputs of this baseline study will be used as the index to measure and monitor the progress of this programme against the set indicators in the course of implementation.

The baseline study will collect data for the project outcomes/objectives indicators below:

Objective 1: The coordinated work for Lobby- and Advocacy of the Anglican Church in Kenya supports peoples claims of ESC Rights on local and national level.

  • At least 20% of the trained communities in Taita Taveta have contributed to the strengthening of the legislations and social and environmental regulation of the extractive industry (as e.g. by multi-stakeholder meetings).
  • 100 trained civil society groups in selected communities in Kenya have coordinated the monitoring of the programmes for social protection on a local and national level co-ordinately (within an integrated monitoring system)
  • In at least 3 cases ADS-strategies for climate adaption were adopted in national and regional implementation guidelines.

Objective 2:  The broad participation of the population promotes sustainably peace in regions of potential conflict

  • 100 trained peace actors and community representatives engage in peace activities in the targeted communities in the Trans Mara
  • 25% of the pre and post interviewed citizens in the targeted communities report about strengthened solidarity in the communities.

Objective. 3:  The institutional and programmatic competencies of ADS-K and its regional development agencies support the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) in completion of its social and developmental work

  • 10 ADS-Regions have aligned their M&E systems for monitoring and reporting
  • 50% of the ADS-regions establish computer-based integrated management systems.

3.0      Scope of work

The baseline survey will be conducted within the sampled areas of the nine ADS regions and ACK Dioceses where ADS would reach direct project beneficiaries. The regions, Pwani, Eastern, NAIKA, Mt. Kenya, Mt. Kenya East, Central Rift, North Rift, South Rift; Western and Nyanza regions.

The project targets the following beneficiaries: –

  • 42 ACK Bishops
  • 40 ACK Church leaders in Taita Taveta County
  • 100 Inter-religious leaders
  • 25 Social Justice Ambassadors
  • 60 Climate Justice Champions
  • 100 Civil Society and Community oversight groups
  • 30 reformed Morans / Cattle rustlers
  • 10 Diocesan Justice and Peace committees (DJPCs)
  • County Government officials and duty bearers
  • 10,000 Community members (Men, Women, Boys, Girls)
  • Up to 20 ADS Kenya staff in the finance department
  • ADS Kenya board members
  • 11 ADS Management teams (1 secretariat + 10 regions)
  • 10 ADS Regional Boards (120 members)
  • ADS Kenya AGM delegates (42 members)

4.0      Proposed Methodology

The baseline study shall be conducted in consultative and participatory way using a combination of approaches and tools. These include but not limited to desk review, key informant interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions as deemed appropriate by the researcher. Specifically, the following methods will be used quantitative data collection methods, qualitative data collection methods, document reviews and data analysis and interpretation.

The information collected will be analysed and the draft report shared with ADS Kenya for consultation before it is finalized.  In addition, validation and sharing workshop will be held.

5.0       Ethical guidelines

It’s expected that the researcher will adhere to the following ethical guidelines and principles:

  • Informed consent: All participants are expected to provide informed consent following standards and pre-agreed upon consent protocols.
  • Systematic inquiry: researcher conducts systematic data-based inquiries
  • Competence: researcher provide competent performance to stakeholders
  • Integrity/honesty: the researcher to display honesty and integrity in their own behaviour and attempt to ensure the honesty and integrity of the entire baseline study process
  • Respect for people: researcher to respects the security, dignity and self-worth of respondents, project participants and other stakeholders. It’s expected that the researcher will receive informed consent of the participants to ensure that they can decide in a conscious, deliberate way whether they want to participate; avoid exposing them to further harm as a result of the response
  • Responsibilities for general and public welfare: researcher should evaluate and take into account the diversity of general and public interests and values that relate to evaluation.

6.0       Use of evaluation findings

This baseline study will be conducted for the benefit of both ADS Kenya and the implementing partners. The results of the study and recommendations will be shared with Brot fuer die Welt – Germany, ADS Kenya, the implementing ADS Regions and ACK Dioceses, as well as any other key stakeholders. This study will help to determine the yardstick to measure and monitor progress of this project against the set indicators during implementation.

7.0       Future use of data

All collected data will be sole property of ADS Kenya. The researcher may not use the data for their own research purposes, nor license the data to be used by others, without the written consent of ADS Kenya. The utilisation of all information provided by the consultant(s) is the property of ADS Kenya and the use thereof is solely at the discretion of ADS Kenya. All documents and other papers, whether in soft or hard copy and whether containing data or other information, provided by ADS Kenya shall be returned complete to ADS Kenya upon completion of the assignment.

8.0       Duration and Timeline

The baseline study shall be expected to complete within 20 working days beginning as soon as possible.  The budget of the survey will be offered as a package in line with the approved by the funding partner.  ADS Kenya expects the study to be finalised by 6th July 2020.

9.0       Summary of Key Deliverables

  • An inception report and baseline work plan complete with draft tools.
  • A draft report after the analysis of data for feedback by ADS staff and other stakeholders.
  • A final acceptable report in English (20-30 pages excluding annexes). The baseline study should include the following points:
    • Cover page
    • Glossary/Acronyms
    • Executive summary
    • Introduction
    • Baseline methodology
    • Limitation
    • Findings
    • Conclusion and Recommendations
    • Appendices of relevant data including lists of participants/ organizations consulted among others
  • The final cleaned dataset used for analysis and production of final report in an accessible electronic format. All raw data (quantitative data files, transcripts of FGDs, KII Photos, quotes etc.) should also be submitted to ADS for reference and future use.

10.0     Consultants/bidders are asked to provide:

  • A detailed technical proposal clearly outlining the proposed methods for the survey and examples of tools to be used
  • Curriculum Vitae(s) of proposed staff outlining relevant education expertise and experience.
  • A table clearly stating the level of effort of each proposed team member
  • A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for planning and carrying out the baseline study. The Financial proposal has to be indicated all-inclusive costs for conducting survey.
  • A proposed timeframe detailing activities and a schedule/work plan (including a Gantt chart),
  • Names and contact information of three references who can be contacted regarding relevant experience
  • A sample report from previous evaluations carried out in the area of governance and policy influencing
  • A Consulting Firm Profile (including all details of the firm and board of directors)

Desired Qualifications & Experience

The Consultant(s) must have the following qualifications and experience: –

  • Master’s degree in development studies, M&E or related social sciences.
  • Previous experience in evaluations, including participatory assessment methods.
  • Practical and recent working experience with marginalised communities using participatory methodologies.
  • A minimum of five (5) years working experience in community development work is desired.
  • Experience working with the Kenyan Devolved system of governance and county governments.
  • Extensive knowledge and understanding of the mining sector in Kenya.
  • Ability to prepare factual and well-articulated reports.
  • Fluent in Kiswahili and English

11.0     Submission of proposals

The Technical and Financial proposals MUST be prepared in conformance to the guidelines provided in this term of reference as minimum standard. All applications received by the submission to date will be reviewed by a selection committee based on pre-determined objective criteria. Upon selection, the consultant(s)/consulting firm would be invited for a discussion and requested to submit a detailed inception report and work plan prior to starting any data collection exercise.

Applications to be submitted by 10th June 2020 to the following addresses:

The Director,

Anglican Development Services- Kenya

P.O BOX 40502- 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

E-mail: adskenya@africaonline.co.ke



Selection criteria

ADS Kenya will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. ADS Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.