- All Saints
- Bondo
- Bungoma
- Butere
- Eldoret
- Embu
- Episcopet of Armed Forces
- Kajiado
- Katakwa
- Kericho
- Kapsabet
- Kirinyaga
- Kitale
- Kitui
- Machakos
- Makueni
- Malindi
- Maralal
- Marsabit
- Maseno East
- Maseno North
- Maseno South
- Maseno West
- Mbeere
- Meru
- Mombasa
- Mt. Kenya Central
- Mt. Kenya South
- Mt. Kenya West
- Mumias
- Murang'a South
- Nairobi
- Nakuru
- Nambale
- Nyahururu
- Southern Nyanza
- Taita Taveta
- Thika
- Diocesan Missionary Areas
Created as the Archbishop’s Diocese and the Metropolitan
Diocese on 1st September 2002 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Nairobi.
Bishop: The Most Rev. Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit
P.O. Box 10313 – 00100, Nairobi,
Tel: 0712-287919/0737-913394.
Diocesan Office location: St Nicholas CDC Karen
(opposite St. Christopher’s School).
Administrative Secretary (Ag): Ven Joyce Kariuki
Vicar General: Ven Canon Simon Muoko.
Provost: The Very Rev Canon Sammy Wainaina.
All Saints’ Archdeaconry: The Very Rev Canon Sammy Wainaina
St. Francis Archdeaconry: Ven. Joyce Kariuki
St. Luke’s Archdeaconry: Ven Canon Simon Muoko.
Other Institution:
Lavington United Church: P. O. Box 0603-25030, Lavington.
Created on 1st September 1999, on the sub-division of the Diocese of Maseno West.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Johannes Otieno Angela
P.O. Box 240-40601, Bondo
Cell phone: 0705-213964
Administrative Secretary: Ven. George Omil Nyunja
Tel. 0722450591
Bondo Archdeaconry: The Ven Monica Owiti
P.O. Box 137-40601, Bondo.
Usigu Archdeaconry: The Ven Jeremiah Ralwa,
P.O. Box 41, Usigu.
Chianda The Ven: Archdeacon WaIter Mandu Pino,
P.O. Box 13, Rageng’ni. Tel. 0720470659
Ramba Archdeaconry: The Ven Ruth Aura Odongo
Nyakongo Archdeaconry: The Ven Samuel Otieno Sudhe
Mahaya Archdeaconry: The Ven Gilbert George Yewa
Akoko Archdeaconry: The Ven James Odeny Asewe.
Other Addresses:
Bishop Okullu College of Theology and Development
Kokise, P.O. Box 87, Nyilima.
Principal: Rev. Canon Prof. David K’odia
Saradidi Rural Health Programme, P.O. Box 33, Nyilima
Inter-Diocesan Christian Community Services: Bondo Zonal Office, P.O. Box 240-00601, Bondo. Tel: 057-520415
Other Departments:
c/o P.O. Box 240-40601, Bondo. Tel: 057-520415
Created on 1st January 1996 on the sub-division of Nambale Diocese.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. George W. Mechumo
P.O. Box 2392-50200, Bungoma
Tel. 055-30481 Fax 254-055-30481
Mobile: 0726-400718/0733-680921
Vicar General: Ven. Canon Kistos Khisa
Administrative Secretary: Rev. Canon Benard Masake. (0728-012791)
Provost, St. Matthews Cathedral, Webuye: The Very Rev. Wycliffe Ademba, (0714779808)
Webuye Archdeaconry: Ven. Mildred Nyongesa (0729-358170)
P.O. Box 794-50205, Webuye.
Tongaren Archdeaconry: Ven. Godwin Syalo Justus Muyelele
P.O. Box 208, Tongaren. (0710-892652)
Kimilili Archdeaconry: Ven. Hellen Sikolia,
P.O. Box 141-50204, Kimilili. (0733-863130/0721-286541)
Bungoma East Archdeaconry: Ven. Johnston Khaemba (0724-036857)
P.O. Box 31-50200, Bukembe, Bungoma
Bungoma West Archdeaconry: Ven. Fredrick Wesonga (0712-780933)
P.O. Box 2392-50200, Bungoma
Kabula Archdeaconry: Ven. Chrispinus Masibo (0725-260164)
P.O. Box 64-50200, Bungoma.
Butonge Archdeaconry: Ven. Bartholomew Kapchanga
P.O. Box 80-50200, Bungoma. (0733-681584/0727-554644)
Lwandanyi Archdeaconry: Ven. Godwin Syalo
P.O. Box 4, Lwakhakha. (0717-586946/0735-693128)
All Saints’ Malakisi Archdeaconry: Ven Fred Simiyu Wephukhulu
P. O Box 2392-50200, Bungoma. (0700-158771)
Other Addresses:
Mothers Union, Youth Sunday, KAMA,
P.O. Box 2392, Bungoma
Wycliffe Centre for Theology, Mission & Development, Siritanyi,
P.O. Box 2392-50200, Bungoma.
Butonge Clinic, P.O. Box 334, Bungoma
Kamukuywa Health Clinic, P.O. Box 423, Kimilili
Khulwanda Health Clinic, P.O. Box 697, Bungoma
Sosyambu Clinic, P.O. Box 2392, Bungoma
Kiminini Medical Clinic, P.O. Box 2392, Bungoma
ACK Madeleine Community Support Centre, Mechimeru
(Madeleine Forsberg Academy & Paula Hayes Medical Centre, P. O. Box 2392-50200, Bungoma. Tel: 0724-708284)
ACK Fredrick Kwata Mission Hospital, Chebukwa.
P. O. Box 2392-50200, Bungoma. Tel: 0728-012791
ACK Maeni Health Centre, Sirisia. P. O. Box 36, Sirisia. Tel:0700-406753/
0731-557844 (Same telephone contacts for ACK Bishop Mechumo School)
ACK Bishop Mechumo Primary School, Maeni. P. O. Box 36, Sirisia
ACK St. James Academy, Kimilili. P. O. Box 197, Kimilili. 0721-288120.
ACK Kibingei Guest House, Kimilili. P. O. Box 197, Kimilili. (0721-288120)
ACK St James Guesthouse, P. O Box 197-50200, Kimilili (0721-288120)
ACK Sango Rural Agricultural Development Programme, Mechimeru
P. O. Box 2392-50200, Bungoma. (0724-708284).
ACK St. Crispin’s Anniversary Plaza , P O Box 539-50200, Bungoma, (0723-342072)
Lay Canon Jotham Sikuta Community Integrated Centre, Kongoli
P O Box 2392-50200, Bungoma, Tel. 0728-012791.
Archbishop Eliud Wabukala Conference Centre, Siritanyi.
P O Box 2392-50200, Bungoma, Tel. 0728-012791.
Created on 1 Jan 1993 on the sub-division of the former Diocese of Maseno North. 5 Archdeaconries. 47 Parishes. 168 Churches.
Population c. 250,000.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dr T. L. Wambunya
Email:, Tel: 0729-484212
Butere Diocesan House, Ministry Operations Centre
P.O. Box 54 – 50101, Butere,
Office Tel: 0790-346272/0772-217483.
Vicar General and Hon. Archdeacon: The Ven. Rose Okeno,
Tel: 0727-012488 Email:
Address as above.
Executive Secretary for Operations and Personal Assistant to the Bishop of Butere: Mr Brown Mujete. Email:
Tel: 0724-278283.
Diocesan Executive Secretary for Mission and Training:: The Rev. Benjamin W. Kibara. Tel: 0722-881786. Email:
Diocesan Executive Secretary for Resource Development and Trustee Affairs: Mr Owens Ochango. Tel: 0707-669657. Email:
Executive Secretary for Social Action and Response: Vacant.
Diocesan Accounts Clerk: Mrs Eunice Kochwa.
Tel: 0720-407510. Email:
Diocesan Executive Secretary for Education in Schools and Archdeacon of Butere: The Ven. Canon Robert Matati.
Tel: 0701-831022. Email:
St. Luke’s Cathedral: The Very Rev. Daniel Inyangala.
Tel: 0713-098124. Email:
Archdeacon of Inaya: The Ven Canon Silas Hopillo
Tel: 0717-270457. Email:
Archdeacon of Khwisero: The Ven Dinah Nandwa
Tel: 0728-639179. Email:
Archdeacon of Namasoli: Ven Slayman Osore
Tel: 0721-675238. Email:
Archdeacon of Shukunga: Ven Peter Andere.
Tel: 0721-922457. Email:
For Diocesan Ministry Coordinators of: (1) KAMA /Men (2) MU/Women (3) KAYO (4) Teens (5) Children and (6) PLWD, use diocesan address above.
Diocesan Institutions:
Eshimuli Guest House: Tel: 0729-567394. Email: P.O. Box 338-50101, Butere.
Tel. 056-620359 Mobile: 0735-932675
African Institute for Contemporary Mission and Research (AICMAR-Chadwick Library)
Tel. 0712-814811, Email: P.O. Box 338-50101, Butere
Namasoli Health Centre, (Proposed St. Stephen’s Teaching and Referral Hospital Namasoli) P.O. Box 72-40610, Yala.
Eshimwenyi Bookshop and Stationers Ltd. P.O. Box 54-50101, Butere.
Created in January 1983 on the sub-division of the former Diocese of Nakuru. On 1st July, 1997, the Diocese of Kitale was carved out. On 1st Jan 2016, the Diocese of Kapsabet was carved out, leaving the present Diocese of Eldoret.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dr. Christopher Kiprugut Rutto
P.O. Box 3404-30100, Eldoret.
Tel. 053-2062785
Tel/Fax: 053-2063779 Mobile: 0710-577545
Administrative Secretary: Rev. Wilson K. Lagat: (0721-699606)
Provost of St. Matthew’s Cathedral: The Very Rev. Bernard Kosgey
St. Mathew’s Cathedral Archdeaconry: Very Rev. Bernard Kosgey
St. Paul’s Eldoret Archdeaconry: Ven. Ben Birech
Emmanuel Archdeaconry: Ven Jotham Chege
Moiben Archdeaconry: Ven Solomon Chelal
Iten Archdeaconry: Ven Jairus Kemei
St Mary’s Tarakwa Archdeaconry: Ven Zakayo Mutoro
Other Officers:
Anglican Development Services: Mr Peter Nyorsok, Executive Director.
Diocesan Education Coordinator: Mr Reuben Koech (0725-834793).
Diocesan Missions Coordinator: Rev. Wilson Lagat
Diocesan Development Coordinator: Ms Abigail Kotut (0722-964932)
Diocesan Senior Chaplain: Rev. Grace M. Birech
Community Based Rehabilitation Centre: Rev. Evelyn Jerotich
Diocesan Youth and Children’s Ministry: Ven Sammy Too.
TEE Coordinator: Capt. Rose Oindi
Diocesan Accountant: Mrs. Sharon Limo
Other Addresses
Community Based Rehabilitation, (CBR)
P.O. Box 3404-30100, Eldoret
ACK Eldoret Region Company Ltd, (CCS)
P.O. Box 6495, Eldoret. Tel. 053-2062784, Fax: 2062472
Stewardship /Education Department,
P.O. Box 3404-30100, Eldoret, Tel. 053-2062785
Theological Education by Extension Department
P.O. Box 3404-30100, Eldoret. Tel. 053-2062785
Created on 1st July, 1990 on the sub-division of the former Diocese of Mt. Kenya East. On 1st July, 1997, the. Diocese of Mbeere was carved out leaving the present Diocese of Embu.
Bishop: Rt Rev David Muriithi Ireri
P.O. Box 189 – 60100, Embu,
Tel: 0728-787403/0737126276.
Administrative Secretary: Ven. George Toto Tel: 0721-876970
Vicar General/Provost: Very Rev Canon John Gichangi
Kianjokoma Archdeaconry: Ven. Capt Edwin Muriithi
Kigari Archdeaconry: Ven. Kellen Ireri
Kagaari Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Joel Kaumbuthu
Nginda Archdeaconry: Ven. Peterson Kagane
Karungu Archdeaconry: Ven. James Munga
Cathedral Archdeaconry: Ven. Robert Mwaniki
Nembure Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Jane Njiru
Other Addresses:
Diocesan Bookshop, P.O. Box 553-60100, Embu.
Tel. 068-30614/30264
Macumo Development Integrated Centre, P.O. Box 382, Runyenje’s
St. Stephen’s Children, P.O. Box 189, Embu.
Te1. 068-30614/30264
Education Department, Youth and Sunday School
Department Hospital Chaplaincy, M.U./K.A.M.A
Department, P. O. Box 189-60100, Embu.
TeI. 068-30614/30264
Archbishop of Kenya, Bishop of All Saints’ Cathedral Diocese and Bishop-in-Ordinary to the Kenya Defense Forces:
The Most Rev. Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit
Office: ACK Garden House 2nd Floor, Wing ‘C’
1st Ngong Avenue, off Bishops’ Rd.
P.O. Box 40502-00100, NAIROBI. Tel. 2714755
Provincial Secretary and Personal Assistant to the Archbishop:
The Rev. Canon Rosemary M. Mbogo
P.O. Box 40502-00100, NAIROBI. Tel. 2714752/3/4
Created on 1st January 1993 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Nairobi.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Gaddiel K. Lenini
P.O. Box 203 – 01100, Kajiado,
Tel: 0720-137-409 / 0716-392-564
Administrative Secretary: Rev Henry Nduti
Vicar General: Ven James Ogonji
Provost: Very Rev Joseph Ntoika
Cathedral Archdeaconry: Ven Alfred Muriuki
Oloitoktok Archdeaconry: Ven. Mary Kuria
Ongata Rongai Archdeaconry: Ven. James Ogonji
Kitengela Archdeaconry: Ven Obadia Mushene
Magadi Archdeaconry: Rev. Protas Barasa
Olkejuado Archdeaconry: Ven. Naphtali Lemooke
Other Addresses:
ACK Tenebo Plaza, P. O. Box 203-01100, Kajiado. Tel. 0716-392564.
ACK Tenebo Sacco Society Ltd, P. O. Box 203-01100, Kajiado.
Tel: 0720-059845.
Kajiado Resource Centre and Guest House
P.O. Box 203-01100, Kajiado Tel. 0701-727242.
Masai Rural Training Centre (MRTC) P.O. Box 8-01100, Kajiado.
Tel: 0795-874-697. Email:
Health For all Clinic, P.O. Box 203-01100, Kajiado.
Tel: 0716-392-564.
ACK Oloosuyian Girls’ Secondary School Tel: 0716-408508.
P.O. Box 203-01100, Kajiado. Email:
ACK Kajiado High School, P. O. Box 102-01100.
Tel: 0722-991-506. Email:
Osinoni Hide Away, Oltiasika,
P.O. Box 8-01100, Kajiado. Tel: 0716-392-564.
Comprising Teso, Mt. EIgon and parts of Bungoma Districts. The Diocese was created on 1st January, 1991 after it was separated from the Diocese of Nambale.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. John Okude Omuse
P.O. Box 68 – 50244, Amagoro.
Administrative Secretary: Ven. Isabellah Inyele (0723-415856)
Alupe Archdeaconry: Ven. Moses Idewa
Machakusi Archdeaconry: Ven. Nelius Wambui
Katakwa Archdeaconry: Ven. Joel Okiru
Chamasiri Archdeaconry: Ven Paul Emoit
Mt Elgon Archdeaconry: Ven. Amos Mukung
Other Addresses:
Diocesan Bookshop Manager: Rev Duncan Ikaal.
Department of Communications, P.O. Box 68-50244, Amagoro
T.E.E and Lay Training Centre, P.O. Box 68-50244, Amagoro
Chamasiri Mission Dispensary, P.O. Box 84, Kakemer
Diocesan Christian Community Services, P.O. Box 68-50244, Amagoro
ACK Hoito (Kipchiria) Mission Clinic, P.O. Box 155, Kapsokwony
Chelebei Mission Clinic, P.O. Box 299, Chelebei
Fellowship of the Retired Clergy,
P.O. Box 68-50244.
Amagoro Cheptais Mission Dispensary, P.O. Box 58, Cheptais
St. Luke’s Community Centre, Kakapel P.O. Box 28, Angurai
Mothers’ Union.Youth, Sunday School, Education,
D.M.A., Chaplaincy, KAMA/Boys/Girls Brigade,
c/o P.O. Box 68-50244, Amagoro. Tel. 055-5407
Carved out from Nakuru Diocese on 1st January, 2008.
Bishop: The Rt Rev Ernest Ng’eno
P.O. Box 678-20200, Kericho
Tel. 0717267442
Administrative Secretary: Vacant
Vicar General: Ven Dominic Ole Santeto
Kericho Archdeaconry: Ven. Nicholas Rotich
Sotik Archdeaconry: Ven. Shadrack Tonui
Narok Archdeaconry: Ven. Samuel Ole Naikumi
Transmara Archdeaconry: Ven Dominic Ole Santeto
Other Addresses:
Narok Integrated Development Programme (NIDP),
P.O. Box 122, Narok, Tel. 0731–548248
Transmara Rural Development Programme (TRDP),
P.O. Box 2110, Kilgoris, Tel. 058-5122035
Diocesan Youth Ministry Co-ordinator: Rev Ken Ng’eno.
Diocesan KAMA/Children’s Ministry: Rev Philemon Rotich
Diocesan MU Coordinator: Mrs Emmy Rotich.
Created on 1st January 2016 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Eldoret.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dr Paul Korir
Diocese of Kapsabet,
P.O Box 643-30300 Kapsabet
Tel: 0719-448282/0723-988119
Office: Diocese of Kapsabet, P.O Box 643-30300.
Vicar General: Ven. Canon William Rop (0724-141561)
Diocesan Administrative Secretary: Ven. Bethuel Cheruiyot (0726-845 863)
Provost (Ag) St. Barnabas Pro Cathedral: Rev. Christopher Seurei (0724-399249)
Kapsabet Archdeaconry : Ven. Canon Japhet Serem (0726-506997)
Nandi Hills Archdeaconry: Ven. Sammy Mitei (0720-314741)
Ol’Lessos Archdeaconry: Rev Canon Peter Omusundi (0722-748505)
Aldai Archdeaconry: Vacant
Kabiyet Archdeaconry: Ven. Japheth Sugut (0721-720585)
Kapkoimur Archdeaconry: Ven. Elijah Rotich (0724-124019)
Other Diocesan Staff
A.C.K Bishop Muge College (Formerly CITC)-Manager Rev. Solomon Kitur (0721-305307)
Honorary DYO: Rev. Samwel Chirchir (0710-551484)
M.U Coordinator Mrs. Teresa Rono (0728-961091)
Accountant: Mrs. Gladys Kemboi (0728-059002)
Kimng’oror Health Centre: Administrator Mr. Obadhia Melly
Trinity Bookshop: Manager Rev Wilson Bassy (0729-585790)
St. Paul’s Theological College: Principal, The Rev Hurbet Weyao (0723-137286)
Comprising Kirinyaga County. Created in July 1990 on the subdivision of the former Diocese of Mt. Kenya East. On 1 July 1997, the Diocese of Meru was carved out leaving the present Diocese of Kirinyaga.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Joseph Karimi Kibucwa
P.O. Box 95 – 10304, Kutus,
Tel: 020-212-4416, Fax: 020-2124414
Administrative Secretary: Ven. Benson Thungururu
Provost, St Thomas’ Cathedral: Ven John Mbui Ngechu.
Mutira Archdeaconry: Ven. Joyce M. Cendi
Kiandangae Archdeaconry: Ven. Alexander Cendi
Mutira Archdeaconry: Ven Joyce Mutitu Cendi
Kabare Archdeaconry: Ven. Stanley Gitari Muriithi.
Ngiriambu Archdeaconry: Ven. Emily Wanja Kinyua
Thiba Archdeaconry: Ven. Fredrick N. Mutugi
Wanguru Archdeaconry: Ven. Mary Muringo Muriuki
Cathedral Archdeaconry: Ven. John Ngechu
Other Addresses:
By-Faith Bookshops, Kutus and Kerugoya, P.O. Box 95-10304, Kutus.
Safari ya Biblia Retreat Centre, P. O. Box 95-10304, Kutus.
Utugi Children’s Centre, P. O. Box 95-10304, Kutus.
Anglican Development Services, P.O. Box 290, Kerugoya.
Wang’uru Extension Station, (ADS), P.O. Box 255, Wang’uru.
Mt Kenya Blessings Water Bottling and Insurance Agency, P. O. Box 95-10304, Kutus.
Staff Medicare and Welfare, P. O . Box 95-10304, Kutus.
Development office, Education Secretary’s Office, KAMA, OVC, M.U., Youth, Children Ministry, Hospital Chaplaincy, Stewardship, Mission, Lay Training,
Accounts Office, Stewardship, Lay Training and Maranatha SACCO, P.O. Box 95-10304, Kutus.
Tel. 060-644221 Fax: 060-644237
Comprising Trans Nzoia and West Pokot, and parts of Bungoma and Keiyo Marakwet Counties. Created on 1st July, 1997 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Eldoret.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Stephen K. Nyorsok
P.O. Box 4176 – 30200, Kitale,
Tel: 020-2028911
Fax: 054-31387
Administrative Secretary: Ven Bonface Chesoi Tel: 0715-854092
(Other contacts as above)
St. John’s Elgon Archdeaconry: Ven. Jackson Ngaritai
St. Paul’s Kitale Archdeaconry: Ven. Sarah Khisa
St. John’s Chepareria Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Polycarp Meger
St. Peter’s Kacheliba Archdeaconry: Ven Benjamin Barasa
St. Andrew’s Kapenguria Archdeaconry: Ven. Bonface Chesoi
St. Luke’s Kitale Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Kabiru Mbugua
St. Andrew’s Sibanga Archdeaconry: Ven. Julius K. Mettah
Immanuel Psigoor Archdeaconry: Vacant
Other Addresses:
Bishop Muge Guest House and Conference Centre (BMGH&CC), P. O. Box 4176-30200, Kitale.
Dr. Peter Cox College of Mission and Development,
P.O. Box 330, Kapenguria
St Francis School for the Blind, P.O. Box 163, Kapenguria
Kitale ADS Office, P. O. Box 1779, Kitale. Tel. 054-31486
Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), P. O. Box 4176-30200, Kitale. Tel. 020-2028911.
Mothers’ Union, Mission and Stewardship, Education Secretary,
P.O. Box 4176-30200, Kitale. Tel. 054-31631
Psigor Village Polytechnic, P.O. Box 6, Wei Wei
Kapomboi Farm, P.O. Box 4176-30200, Kitale. Tel: 020-2028911.
Comprising Kitui and Mwingi Counties. Created on 5th April, 1995 on the sub-division of Machakos Diocese.
Bishop: Rt. Rev. Josephat V. Mule
P.O. Box 1054-90200, Kitui
Tel. 04444-22119
Administrative Secretary: Rev. Titus Wambua Tel. 0726-958792
Vicar General: Ven. Canon Robert Mwova Tel: 0724-732022
Kitui Archdeaconry: Ven. Robert Wambua
Ikanga Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Joseph Nzanga
Syongila Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Gideon Mulei Muia
Katheka Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Gedion Muneni Nzoka
Yatta Archdeaconry: Ven. Robert Mwova
Mwingi Archdeaconry: Rev. Titus Wambua
Kyuso Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Samuel Mutegi Mbiri
Ulungu Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Benjamin Mulwa Mutia
Other Addresses:
Syongila Lay Training and Development Centre, P.O. Box 100, Kitui
St. Luke’s A.C.K. Integrated Centre for the Blind,
P.O. Box 271, Kitui. Tel. 04444-22734
Kyanika CBHC, P.O. Box 1054-90200, Kitui
Comprising Machakos, Kangundo, Mwala, Yatta, Masinga, Athi River, Matungulu and Kathiani Sub-counties. Created in 1985 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Nairobi and on 15th April, 1995, the Diocese of Kitui was carved out. Finally on 1st January 2013 the Diocese of Makueni was carved out leaving the present Diocese of Machakos.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Joseph Kioko Mutungi,
P.O. Box 282 – 90100, Machakos,
Tel: 020-2148064/0704-521061 /0738-981-942
WhatsApp: 0722-426-533
ACK All Souls’ Cathedral, off Nairobi/Machaks Road, next to Red Cross. Email:
Diocesan website:
Administrative Secretary: Ven. Patrick Kyalo Munuve (0708-295931/0727-755429)
Vicar General: Ven. Bernard Kitonga (0738-083211)
Provost: Very Rev. John Ikucha (0722-675022)
Director of Missions: Ven Canon Jonathan Kilonzo (0713-470925)
All Souls’ Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Jonathan M. Kilonzo
Athi River Archdeaconry: Rev Paul Mutua.
Syokimau Archdeaconry: Ven Florence N. Musila
Kangundo Archdeaconry: Rev. Capt Romana Kiio
Yatta Archdeaconry: Ven John Munyao Wambua
Mwala Archdeaconry: Kathiani Archdeaconry: Rev. Matthew Ndiku
Kathiani Archdeaconry: Rev. Isaac Muia.
ACK Guesthouse Machakos, P. O Box 282-90100, Tel: 0798-444251.
ACK St. Paul’s Athi River Academy
P.O. Box 175, Athi River. Email:
Tel: 0706-263-797/
All Souls’ Cathedral Pre-School, P. O. Box 322-90100, Machakos.
Other Addresses: c/o P.O. Box 282-90100, Machakos
ACK Ikulu Faith Dispensary.
ACK Kitanga Health Centre.
ACK Kyamwee Youth Polytechnic
Development Arm of the Diocese
Anglican Development Services, Eastern (ADSE),
P. O. Box 100, Wamunyu.
Diocesan Bookshop c/o P.O. Box 282, Machakos
Other Diocesan Departments: c/o P.O. Box 282-90100 Machakos
Mission and Evangelism Outreach: Rev James Nthongoi (0724-577-108)
Youth (KAYO) : Rev Simon Kavita (0723-087-994)
Children’s Ministry: Ven Johnson Kamaku (0711-658956)
Mothers’ Union: Eunice Musyimi (Mrs) (0720-823-386)
KAMA: Rev. James Nthongoi (0724-577108)
Created on 1st January 2013 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Machakos.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Francis Mboya Matui
P.O. Box 532-90300,
Makueni, WOTE.
Mobile: 0721-831135.
Tel Office: 0727-812-020/0789-393-395
Administrative Secretary: Rev Philip Kilungu (0728-120-403/0738-070-928)
Vicar General: Ven. Canon Abednego Mwikya (0726-328185/0735-149794)
Kithangathini Archdeaconry: Rev. John K. Matatu (0720-439414)
Mbitini Archdeaconry: Ven. Anthony K. Ngovi (0711-645230)
Kibwezi Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Philip Muthoka (0721-335358)
Mbooni Archdeaconry: Ven. Nancy Ndunda (0725-470902)
Ukia Archdeaconry: Ven Benjamin Kaindi (0726-106551)
Makueni Archdeaconry: Ven. James M. Ndivo (0713-820804)
Departments: Mothers Union, K.A.M.A, Children Ministry, KAYO, Accounts c/o P. O. BOX 532 – 90300, Wote–Makueni
ACK Tegemeo Bookshop(Tel: 0799-852-206); ACK Tegemeo SACCO Ltd; ACK Mutavanya SACCO Ltd c/o P. BOX 532 – 90300, Wote –Makueni
Makueni Mission Outreach Team (M.M.O.T.) Evangelistic team of the Diocese
Created on 1st January 2015 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Mombasa. The diocese comprises of Tana River County, Lamu County and Kilifi County. Kaloleni, Rabai and Mariakani Archdeaconries fall under Mombasa Diocese, although they are a part of Kilifi County.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Lawrence S. K. Dena
Malindi-Lamu Road,
P.O. Box 6110-80200, Malindi.
Tel: (Office) 020-219-6730.
(Mobile) 0722-536-743
Diocesan Administrative Secretary and Bishop’s Secretary: Miss Jedidah W. Nderitu (0736-463-974)
Vicar General: Ven Canon John Mwambire Ruwa (0715-362-003)
Ganze Archdeacon: Ven. Charles Herya (0721-145-008)
Gede Archdeacon: Ven Joseph Mang’aro Kashuru (0706-227-077)
Gongoni Archdeacon: Ven Canon James R. K. Muramba (0712-777-197)
Kilifi Archdeacon: Ven Capt. Reuben S. Katite (0727-107-402)
Lamu Archdeacon: Ven James Karisa (0721-760-992)
Malindi Archdeacon: Ven Rogers Malau (0726-405-761)
Mtwapa Archdeacon: Ven Canon Silas M. Ndune (0722-568-669)
Tana River Archdeacon: Ven Japheth Wale Mnazi (0725-097-340).
Other Departments
KAMA Rev Isaac S. Mwambila (0720-263-389)
Mothers’ Union Mrs Juliet Mwambire (0711-786-546)
KAYO Rev Moses Obiero Onyango (0720-480-352)
Children’s Ministry Rev Joyce Wanja Kirimi (0725-609-492)
Education Secretary Rev Capt. Mary K. Ngare (0727-068-882)
Communication Secretary Rev Isaac Susi Mwambila (0720-263-389)
Property and Development Rev Josphat Kenga Kalume (0723-912-485)
CCMP/Stewardship Ven Canon John M. Ruwa (0715-362-003)
Diocesan Community Development Forum Mr Moses Shaha (0724-281-610)
Diocesan Accountant Elias Nyale Kambi (0724-783-100)
Uwezo Bookshop Attendant: Felistus Barasa (0725-254-528)
Diocesan Receptionist Miss Agness Wanjiku Gitau (0721-933-996).
Created on 1st January 2015 out of the former Maralal Missionary Area of Nyahururu Diocese.
Bishop: Search Currently Underway
Ven David Lebarleyia.
Mission Director
Rev Peter Lenaola.
Comprising Marsabit and Isiolo Counties and parts of Samburu and Meru. Originally part of the Diocese of Mt. Kenya East, it became part of the Diocese of Kirinyaga in 1990. In 2008 it was taken directly under the Archbishop of Kenya, as the Marsabit Mission Area, and therefore part of All Saints’ Cathedral Diocese. On July 24th 2011 it was inaugurated as a fully fledged Diocese and rejoined the fellowship of Mt. Kenya Dioceses.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Daniel Qampicha Wario
P.O. Box 51-60500, Marsabit
or c/o MAF KENYA
P.O. Box 21123 – 00505, Nairobi
Mobile: 0700-319730
Administrative Secretary: Rev. Jeremiah Omar, P.O. Box 51 – 60500, MARSABIT
Email: Mobile: 0731-140874
Marsabit Archdeaconry/Provost: Ven Mark Kargi (0726-358-514)
Sololo Archdeaconry: Ven Michael Araru (0723-835-731)
Isiolo Archdeaconry/Vicar General Ven Abraham Oche (0720-784968)
Mission Director: Norm Gorrie (0799-869437)
Diocesan Youth Coordinator: Rev Daniel Odhiambo (0715-897118)
KAMA Coordinator: Rev Matayo Wache (0723-222077)
Mothers’ Union Coordinator: Rev Alice Wangui (0723-882387)
Diocesan Accountant: Nathan Ndegwa (0725-746495)
Isiolo Archdeaconry: Ven. Abraham Oche Riwe
Other Addresses:
St. Stephen’s Training Centre, P.O. Box 51-60500, Marsabit.
Tel: Mobile: 0776-345421/0790-356641. Email:
ACK St. Paul’s Training Centre, P.O. Box 42 – 60700, Moyale Email:; mobile 0720899062.
Created on 1st Jan 2016 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Maseno South.
Created in 2016 on the subdivision of the Diocese of Maseno South.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Joshua Owiti Ouma
P. O. Box 31-40101, Ahero
Administrative Secretary:The Ven. Sospeter Abuto Ogacho.
P. O. Box 31-40101, Ahero. E-Mail:
Tel: +254 720 432 392. Office Lines: +254 791 571 720/ +254 736 226 356
Ahero Archdeaconry: The Ven. Nicholas Otieno Oyare, P. O. Box 31-40101, Ahero.
Rae Archdeaconry: The Ven. Sospeter Abuto Ogacho, P. O. Box 33-40111, Katito.
Songhor Archdeaconry: The Rev. Benard Ogada Okullo, P. O. Box 248-40107,
Was created in 1970 after the sub-division of the former Diocese of Maseno. In 1987, the Diocese of Nambale was separated from it, while in 1993, the Dioceses of Butere and Mumias were carved out leaving the present Diocese of Maseno North.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Simon M. Oketch
P.O. Box 416 – 50100, Kakamega,
Tel: 056 – 30729
Administrative Secretary: Rev. Melkzadek Alex Ondumbu
Provost: James Mwaura
Vicar General: Ven. Frederick Yakwa
Diocesan Accountant: Mr Vincent Oburah
Maseno Archdeaconry: Ven. Jacob M. Mbunjiro
Bunyore Archdeaconry: Ven Anthony Dickens Olwenyi
Esiandumba Archdeaconry: Ven Charles K. Asilutwa
Kakamega Archdeaconry: Ven. Fredrick Yakwa
Eshiamboko Archdeaconry: Ven. Josphat Indeche
Soy Archdeaconry: Ven. Joseph Sikalo
Kiminini Archdeaconry: Ven. Joseph Emonyi
Christ Church Pro-Cathedral: Ag. Dean Ven. Anthony D. Olwenyi
Other Addresses:
Diocesan Office, Youth Director, Sunday School, Mothers’ Union, ADS, Christian Literature Centre, DMA, TEE, Education Secretary, Religious Education Advisor, P.O. Box 416-50100, Kakamega.
St. Philip’s Theological College, P.O. Box 1, Maseno.
St. Phillip’s Sunrise Nursery School, P.O. Box 1, Maseno.
ACK Maseno Mission Hospital, P. O. Box 116, Maseno
ACK St. Francis Mission Station, P. O. Box 125, Soy.
ACK Maseno Youth Polytechnic, P. O. Box 207, Maseno.
ACK Nzalwa Youth Polytechnic, P. O. Box 950, Luanda.
ACK Nzoia Youth Polytechnic: P.O. Box 139, Mabusi.
ACK Soy Youth Polytechnic: P.O. Box 125, Soy.
ACK Mautuma Youth Polytechnic: P.O. Box 110, Turbo.
ACK Lugari Youth Polytechnic: P.O. Box 72, Turbo.
ACK Nzoia Health Centre: P. O. Box 139, Mabusi
Created in 1970 on the sub-division of the former Diocese of Maseno. In 1985, the Diocese of Maseno West was separated off, and again in 1992, the Diocese of Southern Nyanza was carved out . Finally in 2016, the Diocese of Maseno East was carved out leaving the present Diocese of Maseno South.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dr. Francis Mwayi Abiero
P.O. Box 114 – 40100, Kisumu,
Tel: 057-2025148 (office)
Mobile: 0733709378/0722601110
Vicar General: Ven Canon Charles Ochieng Ongi’njo
P.O. Box 302-40105, Maseno.
Mobile: 0722-270867/0731-485629 Email:
Administrative Secretary: Mr. Joshua Osewe Ochido,
P.O. Box 380 – 40100, Kisumu, Mobile: 0722758580
Dean St Stephen’s Cathedral: Ven Zephenia Kore Omollo
Mobile: 0714-890166/0733-330295.
Cathedral Archdeaconry: Ven. Joshua Orawo Olweru. 0721-457627/0734-573091. Email:
Maseno Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Charles O. Ongi’njo (See above)
Ndiru Archdeaconry: Ven. Malachy M.axwel Obadha. 0734-856592
Ngere Archdeaconry: Ven. Shem Odhiambo Onyino. 0734-769239/0725-873448. Email:
St. Luke’s Archdeaconry: Ven. Joseph O. Dere. 0721-809877; Email:
Heads of Department
Director of Mission: Rev Fredrick Ochieng Onyango. 0724-866235.
Education Secretary: Mr Collings Otieno Okeyo. 0718-758224.
Mothers’ Union Co-ordinator: Mrs Hellen Ondiek. 0728-565276/0788-678785. Email:
Youth Co-orndinator: Rev Capt Joshua Opondo Ogutu. 0714-707067/0720-810872. Email:
Children Ministry Co-ordinator: Mr Joshua ONgula. 0721-439073.
Music, Drama & Sports Co-ordinator; Mr Isaiah Opere. 0717-667478.
CITC Girl’s Hostel: Mrs Loice Okello. 0722-299994. Email:
Care Services Co-ordinator Miss Leah Achieng Mululu
Created on 1st January, 1985 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Maseno South. On 1st September, 1999, the Diocese of Bondo was carved out leaving the present Diocese of Maseno West.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Wasonga
P.O. Box 793 – 40600, Siaya,
Tel: 0722280648
Vicar General: Ven. Apollo Ochieng Kochieng Tel: 0721-246-619
Administrative Secretary: Rev. John Mark Haung Tel: 0714-397-523
Ng’iya Archdeaconry: Ven. Michael Omondi Tel: 0721-554-115
Regea Archdeaconry: Ven. Edward Onyango Otieno Tel: 0721-571-884
Mudhiero Archdeaconry: Ven. Simon Omondi Otiang
Other Address:
Diocesan Bookshop, P.O. Box 793-40600, Siaya
Ng’iya Health Centre: Yvonne North, P.O. Box 35, Ng’iya
I.D.C.C.S. Siaya Zone, P.O. Box 793-40600, Siaya. Tel. 057-321051
Comprising the sub counties of Mbeere North and Mbeere South in Embu County. Created on 1st July 1997 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Embu.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dr Moses Masamba Nthukah
ACK Diocese of Mbeere,
P.O. Box 122 – 60104, Siakago
Tel: 0721-423-840.
Administrative Secretary: Ven John K. Nthiga. (0720-420589/0701-002077). Email:
Vicar General: Rev. Canon Stevenson N. Gachucha. (0708-587518).
Provost of St. Peter’s Mbeere, Siakago: The Very Rev. Canon Kennedy M. Kiriamiti (Tel: 0724-484-992)
President of Mothers’ Union: Lay Canon Lucy M. Masamba
Tel: 0704-864-000. Email:
Nyangwa Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Rogers Namu (0790-261863)
Ngenge Archdeaconry: Ven. Jenard N. Nthiga (0724-853-050)
Kanyuambora Archdeaconry: Ven Canon Stevenson N. Gachucha
Karaba Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Elizabeth Kibai (0722-620-174)
Mayori Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Josphat M. Nthiga (0723-552-197)
Siakago Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Stephen N. Kathanje. (0738-796009)
Other Addresses:
Education, Sunday School, KAYO, MU, KAMA,
ADS Mbeere Mayori Station, P. O. Box 127-60113, Kiritiri.
Comprising Meru South, Imenti Central, Imenti North, Tigania, Igembe and Tharaka Districts. Created on 1st July, 1997 on the sub-division of Kirinyaga Diocese.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Charles Mwendwa
P.O. Box 427 – 60200, Meru,
Tel: 0721-270460/0725-558948
Administrative Secretary: Rev. Andrew Wroblewski,
Tel: 0725558948
Chuka Archdeaconry: Rev. Silas Micheni
Chogoria Archdeaconry: Rev. John Gitari
Mitunguu Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon John Mutiria
Mutindwa Archdeaconry: Ven. David Muuro Nkaabu
Maua Archdeaconry: Rev. Pithon Njuki
The Diocese of Mombasa was founded in 1898 on the sub-division of the former Diocese of Eastern Equatorial Africa. In 1921, Kavirondo was added to it and in 1927, Central Tanganyika was carved out of it. In 1961, Maseno, Nakuru and Fort Hall (Mount Kenya) were separated from Mombasa. In 1964, the Diocese of Nairobi was carved out from Mombasa. The Diocese of Taita Taveta separated from it on 1st July, 1993, while the Diocese of Malindi was carved out of Mombasa on 1st January 2015, leaving the present Diocese of Mombasa.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Julius R.K. Kalu
P.O. Box 80072 – 80100, Mombasa,
Tel: 020-2135208
Administrative Secretary: Rev George Gona Kuza
Vicar General: Ven William Katama
Provost: Very Rev. Can. Dr Festus Kiseu
Changamwe Archdeaconry: Ven Can. Harrison K. Mwesi
Island Archdeaconry: Ven Dr Dorcas C. Kiundu
Kaloleni Archdeaconry: Ven Lucy Lugo
Kisauni Archdeaconry: Ven William Katama
Mariakani Archdeaconry: Ven Charlotte K. Mangi
Matuga Archdeaconry: Ven Dr Bryson Samboja
Rabai Archeaconry: Ven Canon Habel Chambia
Shanzu Archeaconry: Ven Samuel B. G. Nguma
Shimba Hills Archdeaconry: Ven Capt. Nelson Mwanjala
Other Addresses:
Mombasa Memorial Cathedral,
P.O. Box 81962-80100, Mombasa. Tel. 041-2317363
Christian Industrial Training Centre (C.I.T.C.),
P.O. Box 82012, Mombasa
Anglican Development Services (ADS) Pwani,
P.O. Box 80072-80100, Mombasa
Bishop Hannington Institute,
P.O. Box 81150-80100, Mombasa. Tel. 041-2491396
Mission to Seafarers, P.O. Box 80424, Mombasa
St. Luke’s Mission Hospital Kaloleni,
P.O. Box 16, Kaloleni.-Giryama
Mwareni Unit for the Mentally Handicapped,
P.O. Box 448, Mariakani
ACK Youth Polytechnic, Kaloleni, P.O. Box 12, Kaloleni-Giryama.
Created in 1984 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Mount Kenya South. In 1993, the Diocese of Mount Kenya West was carved out while in 1998, the Diocese of Thika was also separated off. On 1st January 2014, Murang’a South Diocese was carvedout, leaving the present Diocese of Mt. Kenya Central.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Timothy Irungu Gichere
P.O. Box 121 – 10200, Murang’a,
Tel: 060-203560/2030559
Office Mobile: 0717-455258
Administrative Secretary: Rev. Samuel Kuria Karabu
(Tel: 060-2030560/2030559
Cathedral Archdeaconry: Ven. Veronica W. Nguni
Gathukeiini Archdeaconry: Ven. Joshua Kamore
Kiru Archdeaconry: Ven. James N. Gakobo
Njumbi Archdeaconry: Ven. Joseph Wambiri
Weithaga Archdeaconry: Ven. John Ndegwa
Muguru Archdeaconry: Ven Canon John Karumwa
Muthira Archdeaconry: Ven. Geoffrey Gathima
Murarandia Archdeaconry: Ven. David Waruingi
Iyego Archdeaconry: Ven. Joy Gladys Mwangi
Ndutumi Archdeaconry: Ven. John Mwangi Gikonyo
Gitugi Archdeaconry: Ven Canon Dishon W. Mwangi
Other Addresses:
Bishop Mahiaini Academy (Primary and Secondary)
P.O. Box 893, Murang’a. Tel. 060-2030559. Mob: 0701-706651
Thomas WilIiams Memorial Academy,
P.O. Box 107, Murang’a. Tel. 060-322059
McGregor Institute, P.O. Box 107, Murang’a. Tel. 060-322059
Mothers’ Union Girls Hostel for Training & Dressmaking courses,
P.O. Box 121-10200, Murang’a
Diocesan Development Education Department,
P.O. Box 121-10200, Murang’a.
Arahuka Book Depot & Bureau Services,
P.O. Box 260, Murang’a, Tel. 060-30105/30880/30881
Christian Industrial Training Centre, Muriranjas,
P.O. Box 113, Kahuro. Tel 060-2030560/2030559
Christian Industrial Training Centre, Maragi,
P.O. Box 121-10200, Murang’a
Diocesan Missionary Association, Sunday School, KAYO, KAMA, Education, TEE, ADS Karaha Zone, P.O. Box 121, Murang’a.
Created in 1975 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Mount Kenya. In 1984, the Diocese of Mount Kenya Central was carved out while that of Thika was carved out of the remaining diocese in 1998, leaving the present Diocese of Mount Kenya South.
Bishop: Rt. Rev. Timothy Ranji Mbuthia
P.O. Box 886-00900, Kiambu.
Tel: 066-2022521/2022997/2022295
Fax: 066-2022408,
Cell: 0724-583596, 0735-212414
Assistant Bishop:
The Rt. Rev. Charles M. Muturi
Tel. 0722-387742
Administrative Secretary: Ven. Canon Juliet Muthoni Bundi
Vicar General/Uthiru Archdeaconry: Ven Kenneth Munanga
Cathedral Archdeaconry: The Very Rev Geoffrey Mungai Ndung’u
Kabete Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Catherine Kang’ethe
Kirangari Archdeaconry: Ven. Stephen Ngariuku
Sigona Archdeaconry: Ven. Job Kibi Kimani
Kiambaa Archdeaconry: Ven. Francis Thandi Ng’ang’a
Karura Archdeaconry: Ven. David Nyoro Mbugua
Limuru Archdeaconry: Ven. Lois Nduta Musyoka
Kiriita Archdeacomy: Ven. Esther W. Kagicha
Githunguri Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Joseph N: Kirabi
Ngong Archdeaconry: Ven. Richard Maina Kamau
Riruta Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Perminus Ngigi Muiru
Thimbigua Archdeaconry: Ven Rufus Githaiga
Other Addresses:
Bishop Kariuki Integrated Community Training Centre,
P.O. Box 38999-00623, Nairobi. Tel. 0702-680504.
Theological Education by Extension (TEE); Education Department, Children’s Department, Kenya Anglican Youth Organization (KAYO),
Mothers’ Union Department, Kenya Anglican Men’s Association (KAMA), ADS Department, Sports Department, Communications and Publicity Department, Missionary Evangelism (DMA), Hospital Chaplaincy and Prisons’ Chaplaincy: All c/o P.O. Box 886-00900, Kiambu.
Tel. 066-2022521/2022997/
Cell phone: 0724-583596, 0735-212414
Created in 1993 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Mount Kenya Central.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Joseph Kagunda
P.O. Box 229-10100, Nyeri,
Tel: 061-2032281
Administrative Secretary: Ven. Gerald Muriithi,
Tel: 0722297447
Cathedral Archdeaconry: Ven. Samuel Mwangi Waweru
Irindi Archdeaconry: Ven. Prof. Dorcas W. Mwai
Githi Archdeaconry: Ven. Peterson K. Ngumo
Ihuririo Archdeaconry: Ven. Peter Kibathi
Kagongo Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Edwin Githinji Mbiri
Karatina Archdeaconry: Ven. John Githuku
Mukurwe-ini Archdeaconry: Ven. Davidson Gachemi Mutahi
Mweiga Archdeaconry: Ven. Isaac Joseph Njakai
Naromoru Archdeaconry: Ven. Isaac Mwangi Wanjii
St George’s Archdeaconry: Ven Canon Humphrey Irungu
Wiyumiririe Archdeaconry: Ven Julius Kwirikia Ngugi
Other Addresses:
Sunday School, D.M.A, Education, KAYO, KAMA,
MU and Hospital Chaplaincy, P.O. Box 229-10100, Nyeri
ACK Ethi Polytechnic, CITC, P.O. Box 279, Nanyuki or
229-10100 Nyeri. Tel. 061-4749/062-22631, Fax. 061-4813
Health Centres:
Ariiju Health Centre, P.O. Box 14, Dol Dol
ACK Ethi Health Centre, P.O. Box 279, Nanyuki
Kimanjo Health Centre, P.O. Box 14, Dol Dol
Mobile Health Service Co-ordinator,
P.O. Box 279, Nanyuki.
Good Samaritan Health Unit, P.O. Box 229-10100, Nyeri,
Created in January, 1993 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Maseno North.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dr Joseph Maumo Wandera,
P.O. Box 213 – 50102, Mumias.
Tel: 020-2442846
Vicar General/Mung’ang’a Archdeaconry: Ven. Joshua Okwisia Kalerwa
Administrative Secretary: Ven. Charles Keya.
Mumias Archdeaconry: Ven. John Masinde
Lubinu Archdeaconry: Ven. Alex Makalama Lutta
Namulungu Archdeaconry: Ven. Charles Keya
Munami Archdeaconry: Ven. Julius Kisiwayi Mahasi
Musanda Archdeaconry: Ven. Peter Osundwa Kweyu
Other Address
Bishop Hannington Teachers’ Training College, P.O. Box 471, Mumias.
ACK Mumias Guest House, P.O. Box 213, Mumias.
Created on 1st January 2014 after the sub-division of the Diocese of Mount Kenya Central. Comprises Kandara, Kigumo, and Murang’a South Districts.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Julius Karanu Gicheru
P. O . Box 414-01020,
Tel: 0737-436466/0733-263547
Administrative Secretary: Rev Jackson Kamau Mburu. Tel: 0710-456141.
Vicar General: Ven. Canon Harun M. Chege. Tel: 0724-941964
Makuyu Archdeaconry: Ven Isaac Kang’ethe
Githunguri Archdeaconry: Ven Robert Gathiru.
Muruka Archdeaconry: Ven Julius Kasae.
Kahumbu Archdeaconry: Ven Lukas Njoroge.
Gatumbi Archdeaconry: Ven. Daniel Karanja.
Other Contacts:
Mothers’ Union Chairlady: Mrs Janeffer Karanu
Arahuka Book Depot & Bureau Services: P. O. Box 414-01020, Kenol.
Education Secretary: Rev Julius M. Kasae. Tel: 0722-651608.
Diocesan Youth Officer: Rev Amos Livingstone Mururia Kiraka. Tel: 0726-476228.
Diocesan Missions and Evangelism Co-ordinator: Rev Hillary Murimi
Sunday School Co-ordinator: Rev. Lilian Chege
KAMA Co-ordinator: Rev Capt Patrick Ndorongo
Created in 1964 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Mombasa. In 1985, the Diocese of Machakos was separated from Nairobi Diocese. In 1993 Kajiado Diocese was created from Nairobi Diocese. On 1st September 2002, The All Saints’ Cathedral Diocese was carved out as the Archbishop’s Diocese leaving the present Nairobi Diocese.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Joel Waweru
P.O. Box 72846 – 00200, Nairobi,
Tel PABX: 020-4440524/5 PABX 0726-610520/0733-226337,
Diocesan Office: School Lane, Westlands (Adjacent to St Mark’s Church)
Vicar General: The Ven. Canon John Maina
Administrative Secretary: The Rev. Geoffrey Okapisi
Provost: The Very Rev. Canon Joshua Omungo
Cathedral Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Peter Maina
Dandora Archdeaconry: The Ven Isaac Gathira
Embakasi Archdeaconry: The Ven. Canon Mary Koigu
Githurai Archdeaconry: The Ven. Fredrick Kibaki
Kasarani Archdeaconry: The Ven. Major (rtd) Samuel Thubi
Kayole Archdeaconry: The Ven. John Anzaya
Lang’ata Archdeaconry: The Ven Canon Geoffrey Kairu
Pumwani Archdeaconry: The Ven Gilbert Odhiambo
Ruai Archdeaconry: The Ven. Canon Jonathan Kabiru
Westlands Archdeaconry: The Ven. Canon Jane Mwangangi
Zimmerman Archdeaconry: The Ven. Canon John Maina (Vicar General)
Imani House Agape Bookshop, (Located at the Diocesan offices, Westlands) Contact: c/o Diocesan Office.
St. John’s Community Centre, Pumwani,
P.O. Box 16254-00610, Nairobi.
Tel. 0723-701945 Email:
St. John’s High School, Pumwani,
Contact: c/o St. John’s Community Centre
Christian Industrial Training Centre Pumwani,
P.O. Box 72935-00200, Nairobi. Mobile: 0722-954039
Email: Website:
Maridadi Fabrics Shauri Moyo,
P.O. Box 67851-00200, Nairobi.
Te1.0720-872214/0788-367727 Email:
Jehovah Jireh Children’s Home: Contact c/o Diocesan Office
Tel: 0707-652-170/0736-227-390/0770-451-668.
Adonai Insurance Agencies Ltd, c/o Diocesan Office, School Lane, Westlands.
Created in 1961 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Mombasa. In 1983, the Diocese of Eldoret was carved out and on 1st January, 2008, the Diocese of Kericho was carved out leaving the present Diocese of Nakuru.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Joseph Muchai
P.O. Box 56-20100, Nakuru,
Tel: 051 2212151/5
Fax: 051 2212437,
Suffragan Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Musa Kamuren
Baringo Area Bishopric
Mobile: 0722-283-367.
Administrative Secretary: Ven Josphat Ng’ang’a.
Email: Tel: 0722-890-851
Provost: The Very Rev. Martin W. Kabiru Tel 0722-312839.
Vicar General: Ven Canon Philip Obwogi Tel: 0733-827150.
Cathedral Archdeaconry: Ven. John Kimani–0722-451628
Kiamunyu Archdeaconry: Ven Susan Karichu–0722-167166.
Nakuru Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Philip M. Obwogi–0733-827150.
Njoro Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Samuel Lagat–0722-341747.
Subukia Archdeaconry: Ven David K. Mureithi–0722-927701.
Kabatini Archdeaconry: Ven. Paul M. Muli–0712-241313.
Naivasha Archdeaconry : Ven. Josphat K. Thiong’o–0729-458126.
East Pokot Archdeaconry: Ven. Canon Christopher Chochoi
Baringo Archdeaconry: Ven. Samuel K. Bunyatta–0722-577305.
Other Addresses:
NRIDCCS, P.O. Box 56-20100, Nakuru. Tel. 051-221713
MU, Youth, Sunday School, TEE/KAMA, Mission and Development, 051-2212151
Imani Bookshop, P.O. Box 56, Nakuru. Tel. 051-2212151/5
St. Nicholas Anglican Secondary School,
P.O. Box 10302, Nakuru. Tel. 051-221852/0715-489974
Diocesan Imani Conference Centre and Guest House,
P.O. Box 56, Nakuru. Tel. 051-2212471 or 020-3511540/0729980090.
Berea Farm, P.O. Box 325, Nakuru. Tel. 051-3552162
Berea Christian College for Integrated Studies, P.O. Box 1945, Nakuru.
Tel. 051-52493 Hse: 051-52428.
St. Nicholas Children’s Home, P.O. Box 10076, Nakuru.
Tel. 051-2215116
Microfinance Office: P. O. Box 56, Nakuru, Tel: 051-2212155/1
Created in 1987 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Maseno North. In 1991, the Diocese of Katakwa was carved out and in 1996 the Diocese of Bungoma was also carved out leaving the present Diocese of Nambale.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dr Robert Magina
P.O. Box 4 – 50409, Nambale.
Tel: 0726-592-257.
Administrative Secretary: Phanice S. Oyatsi.
Email: Tel: 0712-764569.
P. O Box 714-50400, Busia, (K).
Provost: The Very Rev. Isaiah Obuya
Vicar General: The Ven Daniel Olando Were
Nambale Archdeaconry Ven Boniface Ekesa
Nambale Parish, P. O Box 4, Nambale.
Namboboto Archdeaconry Ven Robert Fwaya
Namboboto Parish, P.O. Box 150, Funyula.
Bukhalalire Archdeaconry Ven Jackson O Ogutu
Bhukhalire Parish, P. O Box 77, Murumba via Busia.
Khasoko Archdeaconry Ven Canon Japheth Odebero
Khasoko Parish, P.O. Box 129, Buyofu.
Sigalame Archdeaconry Ven Stephen Onyango
Sigalame Parish, P. O Box 60, Sio Port.
Lugulu Archeaconry Ven. Patrick Juma
Lugulu Parish, P. O Box 13, Elugulu.
Busende Archdeaconry Ven Julius David Ojanji
Busende Parish, P. O. Box 409, Busia (K).
Namaindi Archdeaconry Ven Patrick Achieng
Namaindi Parish, P. O. Box 50, Mungatsi.
Bujumba Archdeaconry Ven Aggrey Aketch Wafula
Lugale Archdeaconry Ven David O. Wanupi
Lugale Parish, P. O Box 27, Port Victoria.
Busia Archdeaconry Ven Daniel Olando Were
Busia Parish, P.O. Box 313, Busia (K)
Mission Rev. Grace Jalango
Main Diocesan Address:
Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan Accountant and Board of Finance, ADS, MU, KAMA, Education Secretary and Board of Education, Communication and Social Services, Sunday School, KAYO, Board of Health,
Director of Mission and Evangelism, Registrar of Church plots and assets: c/o P.O. Box 4-50409, Nambale.
Created on 1st January, 1998 after the sub-division of the Diocese of Nakuru.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Stephen Mwaura Kabora
P.O. Box 926 – 20300, Nyahururu.
(Kirinyaga Road next to Laikipia High School-Nyahururu)
Tel: 065-2032179
Administrative Secretary: Rev. Anthony N. Wanjahi,
Tel: 0721-568701 Email:
Provost: Very Rev. Peter N. Muiru
Vicar General: Ven Julius Maigua
Magumu Archdeaconry: Ven Julius Maigua
Wanjohi Archdeaconry: Ven. Samuel K. Githua
Nyandarua Archdeaconry: Ven Canon Joseph Wainaina
Ndaragwa Archdeaconry: Ven. John M. Kanyori
Nyahururu Archdeaconry: Ven. Moses T. Wachira
Rumuruti Archdeaconry: Ven Simon W. Muchiri
Kinangop Archdeaconry: Ven. Daniel G. Ugunyu
Other Addresses:
Mothers’ Union, Mission and Evangelism, TEE and CRE,
Youth, Sunday School, KAMA,
P.O. Box 926-20300, Nyahururu. Tel. 065-2032179
ACK Mercy Mixed Day and Boarding Secondary School,
Tel: 0726-293173.
Created on 1st January 1993 after the sub-division of the Diocese of Maseno South.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. James Kenneth Ooko Ochiel
P.O. Box 65-40300, Homa-Bay,
Office Cell: 0721-794-968
Suffragan Bishop: The Rt. Rev. John Orina Omangi
Kisii Area Bishopric
P. O. Box 121-40200
Kisii. Tel: 0725-534-047.
Business and Operations Manager: Mr. Albert Onyango Peter
Administrative Secretary: Ms. Evelyn Orinde
Asst Administrative Secretary: The Rev Baker Omondi Gawo
Homa Bay Archdeaconry: The Ven. Canon William Agutu Otho
Migori Archdeaconry: The Ven. Caren Ulda Ogelo
Akoko Archdeaconry: The Ven. Canon John Olang’o Odanga
Mbita Archdeaconry: The Ven. Philip Washington Omwaga
Kisii Area Bishopric: The Ven. Capt. Tobias Ochieng’ Karan
Oyugis Archdeaconry: The Ven. Canon George Wasonga
Bishop’s Commissary: The Rev. Herbert Gabana Ghori.
Other Addresses:
Mothers’ Union, K.A.M.A., K.A.Y.O, Children Ministry, Women and Youth Microfinance (WAYOMIF project), Music & Education,
Mission and Evangelism, P. O. Box 65-40300, Homa Bay. Tel. 059-22054
St. Luke’s ACK Ogande Dispensary,
P.O. Box 65-40300, Homa Bay
Hope Compassionate Health Services,
P.O. Box 65-40300, Homa Bay.
Tel. 059-22054 Fax: 059-21271
ACK Guest House Homa Bay, P. O. Box 41-40300, Homa Bay.
Tel: 0703-114834. Email:
Was founded on 1st July, 1993 on the sub-division of the Diocese of Mombasa.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Liverson Mng’onda.
P.O. Box 75 – 80300, Voi,
Tel: 043-2030096
Ndome Archdeaconry
Kighombo Archdeaconry
Rong’e Archdeaconry
Sagalla Archdeaconry
Kasigau Archdeaconry
Mbale Archdeaconry
Werugha Archdeaconry
Wusi Archdeaconry
Mwatate Archdeaconry
Taveta Archdeaconry
Voi Archdeaconry
Other Addresses:
Administrative Secretary & Other Diocesan Departments: Sunday School, G.F.S. / Boys Brigade, KAYO, M.U. & KAMA
C/o P.O. Box 75, Voi. Tel: 043-2030096.
ACK St. Bartholomew School, P.O. Box 98, Voi.
ACK DTTATA Enterprise, P.O. Box 75, Voi.
Carved from the dioceses of Mt. Kenya South and Mt. Kenya Central on 1st July, 1998.
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Julius N. Wanyoike,
P.O. Box 214-01000, Thika,
0722 423455/0732 578640.
Administrative Secretary: The Ven. James Kamura (0720-411172)
Vicar General: The Ven John Wanjihia (0734-60953)
Provost: The Very Rev. Joseph Wanyoike (0721-807446)
Cathedral Archdeaconry: The Ven. James Kamura (0720-411172)
Giachuki Archdeaconry: The Ven. Wilson Kamau (0721-484707)
Kariara Archdeaconry: The Ven. Canon John Mbuthia (0720223767)
Mang’u Archdeaconry: The Ven. Patrick Mukuna (0770-527126)
Ruiru Archdeaconry: The Ven. Joyce Kabuba (0722-433911)
Thika Memorial Archdeaconry: The Ven. Stephen Nduati (0708-140672)
Juja Archdeaconry: The Ven. David Karethiu (0720-339519)
Makongeni Archdeaconry: The Ven Solomon Kamungura (0722-102245)
Other Addresses:
ACK Thika Talent SACCO Limited. P.O. Box 214, Thika. (0708-683123)
St. Luke’s Bookshop, P.O. Box 214, Thika. (0724-862938)
Namrata Shah Children’s Home, Manager, Jedidah Chandi (0723-042804) P.O. Box 214, Thika.
Education Department: Mr Huruko Njau (Education Secretary-0722-351835)
Initiation Counselling The Rev Andrew Karanja (Programme Coordinator-0723-153352) P.O. Box 214, Thika.
Institute of Leadership, Counseling and Congregational
Development (I.L.C.C.D.), P.O. Box 1096, Thika. Tel. 067-30440
Thika Memorial Church School.
P.O. Box 1647, Thika Tel. 067-22560
Bishop Njuguna Academy, P.O. Box 3225, Thika.
Tel. 067-31130
St. Phillip’s Gatakaini Academy,
P.O. Box 24, Gatura
St. Peter’s Kame Academy,
P.O. Box 70, Mukerenju via Thika
St. Luke’s Makongeni Academy,
P.O. Box 3224, Thika. Tel. 067-31127
St. Michael & All Angels’ Academy,
P.O. Box 148, Ruiru. Tel. 067-55096
CITC: P.O. Box 1096, Thika. Principal: Peter Macharia (0722-277523)
Garisssa Missionary Area
The Rt. Rev. David N. Mutisya
P.O. Box 1384-70100, Garissa.
Email: Office Mobile: 0706-284128.
Garissa Archdeaconry: Ven. George Owino
Wajir Archdeaconry: Ven Joshua Wambua.
Lodwar Missionary Area
P.O. Box 108–30500, Lodwar
Diocesan Institution
ACK St. Nicholas Community Development Centre, Karen.
P.O. Box 24639-00502, Karen.
Tel: 0729-242478. Email:
Other Addresses
Diocesan Departments: Mothers’ Union, KAMA, Children’s Ministry, KAYO.